Testimonial from Andrea Bocelli

A letter from Andrea Bocelli

During the course of my career and the constant refinement in my learning process over a quarter of a century of practice, I believe I have gained the necessary experience to evaluate who, among my colleagues, has the gift and talent for teaching.

There are usually two types of teachers: The ones who impart the student with precise technical vocal notions and help him/her to put into practice the necessary gymnastics, as for any kind of sport (the vocal mechanism operates by the correct use of the appropriate musculature) and those who act as a sort of muse, guiding you along an emulative process through their charisma and the testimony of what they have achieved on the International Stage.

Alfredo Zanazzo represents a unique case because he contradicts these classifications by possessing an extraordinary artistic personality as well as excellent teaching skills and expertise.

With over three decades of interpretative experience, extensively documented by a prestigious discography, he has been able to fully explore the vocal instrument through a continuous critical analysis and a constant search for the correct approach to singing.

This enables him to hear and detect (with such a delicate and equivocal subject) faults in others and dispense his experience and advice, which if perceived with the right focus, could be instrumental in the correct approach to singing.

I too, having had the opportunity of talking at length about vocal technique with Alfredo Zanazzo, have made use of his excellent advice and his gift as a teacher.

Andrea Bocelli, November 2014

Read original letter (in Italian)